Can therapy help me?
People seek therapy for a variety of reasons, and making sure you find a therapist who is the right fit for you is essential to your progress. Some common concerns might be the following:
Why do I feel stuck in the same situation?
Is this relationship right for me?
How do I break out of negative patterns?
How can I feel better about my life or myself?
Something big happened in my life and I need someone to talk to
I experienced a traumatic event and am having difficulty with certain things
I feel more depressed or anxious than usual
I want to evolve and to grow as an individual
I worry that my past is still affecting my present negatively
Sometimes my emotions seem all over the place
I feel very anxious in my relationship
I keep ending up in the same place
By deciding to begin therapy and to commit to working on certain goals, the process can help you find new ways to approach issues that you've been facing and have struggled to overcome.
Areas that Sheila works with:
Codependency | Attachment Styles | Anxiety | Panic | Fears & Phobias | Depression | Stress at Home/Work/School | Conflict in Relationships | Problems with Intimacy | Past or Present Trauma | Life Transitions | Loss & Grief | Parenting Struggles | Premarital Counseling | Sexual Concerns | Alternative Relationships | Sexuality | LGBTQIA + & Affirmative Therapy | Emotional Regulation | Break-Ups & Divorce | Discernment Counseling | Personal Growth | Assertiveness Skills |
Dating & Relationships | Confidence & Self-Esteem | Motivation Issues